A Face I Can't Resist

A Face I Can’t Resist

A break in the rain, time for a walk, quick, I turn to my pet Ubie....

And there he is holding this in his mouth.

It’s a Pedro mini-bag, five or six years old. Inside are a spare 29er tube, a Powerbar, and a Quik Stik, one of those flat-changing tools you see in a jar by the cashout at your LBS. (I’ll attach a photo of one at the end of this post.)

Upon my approach, Ubie ran out the back of the garage, holding firm to his find. No way was he letting go of this toy.

I had removed it from my 29er prior to running a few errands. Still not used to having a canine companion in the shop, I had placed the Pedro on the floor, forgetting about it.

Luring him with some kibble, I was able to lure Ubie back within my circle of authority, where I hooked up the leash, grabbed the cellphone, and somehow snapped a shot.

These days I rarely use the Pedro. It got a lot more action when I road-biked. It fit nicely under the saddle on my race bike. It’s not my go-to bag anymore. A few fang-marks on it won’t bother me.

During our walks Ubie usually picks up a broken branch and carries it proudly home. This was a first with a bike accessory.

 Enjoy it!


